Palm Treo 700w Gallery (MobileBurn)Quick Hands-On Impression of the Treo 700w
Earlier this evening I had the chance to play around with Palm's new Treo 700w, the company's first device to run the Windows Mobile OS. This new Microsoft OS running Treo had much the same physical characteristics of the Treo 650, and even the Windows Mobile OS itself had more than a few Palm-like customizations made to it. Enough so that existing Treo 650 users should feel reasonably at home with the new device.
There is no Windows "home" key on the 700w, as there is on all other Windows Mobile devices I have used. Instead, the green call button handles that function - except when a contact or phone number happens to be highlighted on the display. Another change from the standard WinMobile 5.0 is that when you hold down the OK button you are brought to the running programs list, which is a nice touch.
The keypad layout and such were good, as expected, but the material that the buttons were made out of felt quite hard. Even when compared to earlier Treo devices. None of this will be a real problem in using the device, though, and I expect that the Treo 700w is going to be one of the best selling Windows Mobile devices on the market when all is said and done.
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