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Sunday, March 29, 2015

Microsoft Surface Pro 3 Sales Still ‘Incredible’ Despite Surface Pro 4 Close To Release Date

"Many industry insiders laughed at Microsoft when they released the Surface Pro in February of 2013 and advertised it as a tablet/laptop hybrid. A lot thought the unit was too heavy and the battery life was too dismal. Microsoft has obviously listened to the criticism and has ushered in a new era of laptop/tablet hybrids."



  1. I think it's amazing how Microsoft Surface could become as massive as it is right now. In fact, i think Apple is following Microsoft's footsteps through its iPad Pro. But Surface Pro tablet is just unmatched because not only is it powerful, but it's also running on Windows Pro OS.

  2. The Surface 4 Pro is avery good tablet computer but Windows 10 is very buggy on it. The Samsung Notebook 9 Spin has a far better implementation of Windows 10. The only advantage the Surface 4 Pro has is it's pen support.


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