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Wednesday, August 24, 2016

How Facebook censors your posts (FAQ) - CNET

"After Korryn Gaines entered her Baltimore apartment earlier this month, she pulled out a shotgun and then her phone. She opened the Instagram and Facebook apps so she could post details of her standoff with the police.

Facebook cut her off.

Gaines wasn't the first black person to post about a run-in with the police. Others include Philando Castile, whose fiancee in July streamed live video on Facebook as he lay dying after a police officer shot him. A few days later, a protestor streamed a sniper attack on Dallas police on the social network.

But her clash marked a turning point in the conversation about Facebook's role in empowering speech. That's because her friends watching did more than just watch: They urged her not to acquiesce.

Facebook temporarily shut down Gaines' account at the request of the police. It came right before officers opened fire, killing her and striking her 5-year-old son.

The decision put a spotlight on another Facebook activity: its routine censorship of users."

How Facebook censors your posts (FAQ) - CNET

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