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Monday, April 09, 2018

Facebook's Zuckerberg testifies to Congress about Cambridge Analytica, and he's got a lot to prove - CNET


Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg in front of a projection reading "People First"


"Getty ImagesMark Zuckerberg's lived his adult life spreading the gospel of Facebook: "Bringing the world closer together."

And in the 14 years since Facebook was founded, he's largely succeeded. More than 2 billion people use his service each month, making it the biggest social media network on the planet. It's the largest photo site on the web. It's now home to powerful social movements, an outlet for political dissidents and, yes, the place where you share baby photos and what you had for lunch. Most of us know more people who use Facebook than those who don't.

But the cheery optimism that helped Facebook become one of the most powerful companies in the world left it vulnerable to being co-opted by bad actors and twisted into a tool for mass harassment, for spreading propaganda and, most recently, for mass theft of our personal information by a data consultancy that works to influence elections.

Facebook's Zuckerberg testifies to Congress about Cambridge Analytica, and he's got a lot to prove - CNET: " "


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